This project introduces the fundamentals of Signal Timing Design by resolving and analyzing an existences local intersection that already controlled by means of four phases traffic signals system, the location of the intersection is in Gaza city where Al Jala'a Street , major street ; intersecting with Khaleel Al-Wazeer Street , minor Street.
This project is aiming to achieve and practice the fundamentals of Signal Timing Design that have been introduced to the students of advanced traffic engineering course; an optional course in civil engineering department at Islamic university of Gaza , that held by Dr Yahya R. Sarraj.
The methodology of this project is as follows:
The theoretical background of the project topic is covered through advanced engineering traffic course that we have mention to in the introduction section.
For the selected local intersection in Gaza city the following studies will performed according to a specified schedule.
1. Survey of the intersection in order to determine the geometric and physical conditions of the intersection.
2. Traffic volume counts on the four approaches of the intersection for a duration of two hours , the count will be for the three specific movement on each approach i.e. left, straight (Through) and Right , also the count will be specific for all types of vehicles that enter any approach , see the appendix for the form of count sheet .
3. Approach travel speed will be determined from a previous spot speed study that were performed in the south approach of Al Jala' St. during the course of traffic engineering I .
4. Analysis of the intersection capacity according to the geometric factors and traffic factors will be performed depending on the analysis of the previous studies results i.e. geometric survey and traffic count .
5. A manual Traffic signal design will be performed according to the results of previous data analysis and if any necessary data that could not measured or determined, it will be reasonably assumed and according to engineering judgments.
6. A computer aided traffic signal design will performed using the software aaSIDRA 2.1™ ©
7. Finally a reasonable comments and conclusions will be set out .